Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

I'm Sixth Grade for the Second Times

I'm going to post on one of the events in last year, precisely at the time of 10 August 2010: Pasar Seni ITB (10.10.10) and we (re: Desarupa) wear this elementary school uniform as our costume :D

Surprisingly candid by some friend. A lil' bit weird but i liked the spontaneity :p

And act like an insane...
and insane.

Can't wait for next event!!

Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

Strike 3! Batter, You're Out!

Besides drawing, I've some hobby that successfully made my skin tone a lil' bit dark (okay, okay, a LOT), its called Softball. And yeeaa I'm officially a softball player. Here goes some teams that I ever play with...

Highschool team, Djuanda :)

Kota Bogor at Prakualifikasi

APT Indonesian Big League


Its a long time ago since I pitch the ball in a circle. Really miss that moment... :(